Thursday, January 8, 2009

Channel One News 1/8/09

Gaza Strip

Its the 13 day of conflict. People were at the school many got killed. Allot were children. Why is every one wearing green? So we're on Israel 's side and we're giving them weapons that sounds fun. This will never end!!

Hear it now

Fall from grace. I like it they use them allot though.

Headlines news

Wow that's sweet.

Wow so i guess every body is getting ice. Pure ice.

Gas, now we're playing with gas. That's what people get for using to much gas.

Your Turn

Why would people go to the library?

Support for Troops.

Wow that's cool. They're sending them a ton of candy. He called her a crazy lady. That's sweet!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Channel One News 1/5/09


There has been more clashes. They are bombing buildings that they thought belonged Hamas. Because they shot bombs into their land. In a fight over the Holy Lands. Lots of Platines have been injured. People in New York have been marching supporting one side or another.

Hear it now
music from fall from grace.


the United States have been getting more snow than normal.


He comes out of break. He starts working out ways to help the economy. Bill Richardson turns down Obama's offer for spot on the cabinet.


Retail sales are way down from 2007.


A play ends in a touch down